Body Mass

This resource allows creation and modification of Body Mass entries. Body Mass relates to a user’s weight, mass, fat percentage, and body mass index.

Resource URIs

  • Item URI: /vx/bodymass/{id}/
  • Collection URI: /vx/bodymass/


Item Methods

  • GET Retrieve a Body Mass by id

Item properties

Name Description Type Units HTTP Support
datetime_utc The instant in time that the body mass measurement was taken by the source system (i.e. the time the user stepped on the scale). ISO8601 Datetime N/A GET: required, PUT: required
datetime_timezone The local timezone where the body mass measurement was recorded (i.e. ‘America/Chicago’) String N/A GET: required, PUT: required
created_datetime The instant in time that the workout was recorded. ISO8601 Datetime N/A GET: required, PUT: required
updated_datetime The instant in time that the workout was last modified. ISO8601 Datetime N/A GET: required, PUT: required
recorder_type_key The recorder model that took the body mass measurement (i.e. ‘withings’, ‘fitbit’, etc) String N/A GET: required, PUT: required
reference_key This is the identifier for the resource in it’s source system. Unique per user_id/recorder_type_key. String N/A GET: required, PUT: optional
bmi The user’s body mass index (BMI). See BMI String N/A GET: optional, PUT: optional
mass The user’s total mass. If lean_mass and fat_mass are present, they should add up to this field. String Kilogram GET: optional, PUT: optional
fat_percent The user’s percent of body mass that consists of fat. For example, “15.738” would mean 15.738% of user’s total mass is fat. String N/A GET: optional, PUT: optional
lean_mass The user’s total mass that is not fat. String Kilogram GET: optional, PUT: optional
fat_mass The user’s total mass that is fat. String Kilogram GET: optional, PUT: optional
  • self A link to this resource
  • user A link to the User resource that owns the Body Mass


Collection methods

  • GET Get a list of Body Masses.
  • PUT Update or insert a Body Mass measurement.

Collection query parameters

Name Description Type Required
target_start_datetime Indicates where to start the search. ISO8601 Datetime Yes
target_end_datetime Indicates where to end the search. Defaults to current time. ISO8601 Datetime No

Collection properties

Name Description Type HTTP Support
total_count Total count of entities returned in collection integer GET: required
  • self A link to this resource

Embedded collections

  • bodymasses A collection of Body Masses with properties as described under Item properties and links as described under Item links


GET Body Mass entity

Request GET: /vx/bodymass/{id}/

PUT Body Mass entity

Request PUT: /vx/bodymass/{id}/

GET Body Mass collection

Request GET: /vx/bodymass/?target_start_datetime=2012-12-12T12%3A12%3A12Z&limit=20&offset=0