

As of February 28, 2022, we will deprecate this endpoint and it will no longer be available.

Returns aggregate data for a user for specific data type over a set date range and grouped at a specified period.

Resource URIs

  • Collection URI: /v7.1/aggregate/


Item properties

Name Description Type HTTP Support
period Duration of each date grouping in the aggregation result. Valid periods are P1D, P1M and P1Y. ISO-8601 Duration GET: required
start_datetime Start of the aggregation window, taken from the querystring ISO-8601 Datetime GET: required
end_datetime End of the aggregation window, taken from the querystring ISO-8601 Datetime GET: required
summary A dictionary of summary data for the aggregate window. Contains “start_datetime”, “end_datetime”, and “values” which is a list of dictionaries containing each data_type’s values for the array of items in the summary. json GET: required
periods A list of aggregate data over the aggregate window grouped by the provided period. Similarly to the summary field each item in the list contains “start_datetime”, “end_datetime”, and “values” which is a list of dictionaries containing each data_type’s values for the array of items in the period. list GET: required
  • self A link to this resource
  • user A link to the User resource that owns the Aggregate
  • data_type A link to the data_type resource


Collection methods

  • GET Get a list of Aggregates.

Collection query parameters

Name Description Type Required
data_types A list of data types to return aggregate values for. Current list of allowed data_types are: body_mass_summary, steps_summary, distance_summary, energy_expended_summary, sessions_summary, sleep_summary, heart_rate_resting_summary, energy_consumed_summary list Yes
user_id The user_id of interest. Users are only authorized to see their user data. integer Yes
start_datetime The start of the aggregation window. ISO-8601 Datetime Yes
end_datetime The end of the aggregation window. ISO-8601 Datetime Yes
period The periodic grouping of aggregate values, specified in ISO-8601 duration values: “P1D”. ISO-8601 duration values No

Collection properties

Name Description Type Units HTTP Support
field_name description of field JSON type units, should be SI GET: required/optional, PUT: required/optional, POST: required/optional
  • self A link to this resource

Embedded collections

  • aggregates A collection of Aggregates with properties as described under Item properties and links as described under Item links


GET Aggregate collection

Request GET: /v7.1/aggregate/?start_datetime=2014-03-09&user_id=134&period=P1D&data_types=steps_summary%2Cenergy_expended_summary&end_datetime=2014-03-22